lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

Approach to affine function.

Let view has several functions, the constant, and finally affine linear.

FUNCTION constants:

Is said to be constant because its value does not change, to each value of x will always correspond  value K.

This function adds K after multiplication by m.

This function is only multiplied by m.

To clarify  differences between them move on to  presentation at the following address


To carry out  activities of the subject you There you turn to  following pages:

Use drawings to label specificvocabulary

Activities to detect previous knowledge

Equation of line through two points.

First determine  slope and intercept of a line.

y = m x + k

You have to write  values ​​of m k to determine a equation of a line through to given points.
  • If you succeed you will see a function expression with orange color, if not guess right you will see 
  • After each hit you press  button to animate out a new line 

Exercise 4


Exercise 6

Esta unidad interactiva requiere la máquina virtual de Java J2RE.

Final Exam

Finally undertake to following:

Judging Criteria:

Presentation: 20%
• Operating: 20%
Reasoning: 30%
Procedures: 30%